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A Tip (or 10) A Day to Keep Your Insurance Agent Away: Restaurant Edition

Restaurant Table

Commercial General Liability

1. Steps and uneven floor surfaces should be prominently marked.

2. Temperatures of hot beverages should be limited to reduce injuries due to scalding.

3. There should be a procedure in place that highlights vigilance in cleaning up spills to prevent falls.

Commercial Property Insurance

4. All grills and deep fryers should have automatic fire extinguishing protection, hoods and filters.

5. The kitchen should be kept clean and grease free to prevent the spread of fire.

6. Losses can be minimized if there is an alternative location to continue operations and not lose customers. Returning to normal operations after a loss is difficult due to the lag time between reopening and returning to full income as regular customers may have moved to a new "favorite" restaurant.

Liquor Liability Insurance

7. There should be a set procedure to check ages of anyone attempting to purchase alcohol, as well as monitoring so customers purchasing alcoholic beverages do not then give them to patrons who are underage or intoxicated.

8. Employees who serve alcohol should complete training courses in recognizing intoxication problems and dealing with customers.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

9. Employees should be trained on the carrying of heavy dishes between the kitchen and the serving areas.

10. The employees in many restaurants tend to be minimum wage and turnover may be high. Well-trained employees with an incentive to do their best and who have clear direction will have the fewest injuries.

Resource: Refconnect by Vertafore/ Silver Plume

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SBA 8(A) Certified-Maryland DOT/DBE EDWOSB

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