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15 Reasons Why Job Seekers Aren’t Responding to your Job Posting

1. The application process is entirely TOO LONG.

A lot of these application systems are a bit archaic. The applicant first uploads a resume, then has to go through a series of screens inputting the same information they just uploaded. On some occasions, the application system will pull a lot of that information, but it is still a time consuming process for the on-the-go applicant.


2. Your company website lacks a “Meet the Team” Page.

A “Meet the Team” page has become the new norm for company websites. Applicants want to see who they would be working with, what their personalities are like and whether or not the company is diverse.


3. No evident ties to the community.

Ties to the community are very important. Potential employees want to know that the company that they are applying to work for is socially responsible and gives back. They also want to know that they are working for a company that actually cares about something other than profit margins.


4. What is being said about your company on Glassdoor?

The number one place that a potential applicant can go to find out about working for a company is Glassdoor. It answers the single most important thing a potential employee wants to know: WHAT ARE THE CURRENT AND FORMER EMPLOYEES SAYING ABOUT THE COMPANY? Are they happy? What is the interview process like? Why did former employees leave? It’s really a catch all.


5. Are the interviews static and unengaging (Glassdoor)?

Potential applicants also check Glassdoor for an insight into the interview process. If people are saying that the interviewers are unengaging or that the employer made promises to get back to them and never did, those are applicant red flags that may result in them not even applying.


6. Company culture is not evident.

People like feeling like they are a part of something larger. A company culture provides that. However, when there’s no mission statement or vision anywhere on the website, it’s difficult for the applicant to determine what the company stands for or believes in.


7. Is your company active and engaging with your audience on Social Media?

Applicants want to know that your company cares about your customers and what better way to do that, then to see if your company engages with them online? Is your business re-tweeting? Replying? Mentioning? Is it commenting on customer concerns posted to Facebook page? What’s the turn-around time? It may sound time consuming, but it actually makes a difference.


8. Company website looks boring.

Believe it or not, a boring website can equate to a boring job for the job seeker.


9. No company website.

In the world of data breaches and scams, having no website may actually leave a potential applicant thinking that your company is illegitimate or a scam.


10. The job posting is calling for the “Perfect” employee.

A huge deterrent for potential applicants is a job posting that is calling for a “perfect” employee, typically with a laundry list of applicant requirements. These postings are a surefire way to deter moderately qualified candidates that could easily excel with a bit of training because the job posting is too intimidating. It’s better to consider the most important requirements to do the job and leave wiggle room where non-essential skills can be developed through training.


11. You’ve disguised the job ad to make it more appealing.

Specifically in Sales, oftentimes companies will label the position as Marketing, Advertising or Public Relations to draw in potential applicants. Unfortunately, in the long run, it could leave you with bad online reviews from people who have applied and felt deceived once they discovered that they applied for a telemarketing company instead of an advertising agency.


12. The open position sounds boring.

When the job posting is short and sweet, it normally translates to dull and uneventful. This can easily be fixed with talk about the company culture and strides the company makes in the community.


13. No Work/Life Balance.

The last thing an applicant wants to do is give up the freedom of nights and weekends for hours of work and stress over deadlines. If the posting contains a mile long list of duties, this can easily translate to “If I take this job, I will have no personal life”.


14. No opportunities for growth.

A job seeker may not be applying to the job they want to have. They could be using the position they are applying for as a stepping stone into the company in order to reach their desired position. A sure way to deter them is to have no evident concern for the growth of employees.


15. Your company is not technologically savvy.

It’s 2015 and people DO care about how up to date your company operates. Can employees work remotely? Are you using a cloud based system? Is your website up to date? Times are changing and potential employees like knowing that the company they work for is up on the latest technological innovations.


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