My neighbor’s tree fell onto my fence during a heavy wind and rain storm. My neighbor’s homeowners policy will reimburse me for the...
6 Wise and Funny Lessons on Aging --From Animals
Via Huffington Post Aging gracefully can present challenges. Human role models, like, say, Betty White or George Clooney, can show us how...
"Full coverage" will get me a new car if I crash. Your auto repair shop may thank you for having collision and comprehensive coverage,...
What AARP Does for Americans 50+
AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. With a membership of more than 37 million, AARP helps people turn their goals and dreams...
We just LOVE that video! Now on to Mythbuster Monday. Older drivers pay more for car insurance Life insurance goes up with age, but not...
7 Retirement Expectations You're Getting All Wrong
Ann Brenoff Article Via Huffington Post Much of the focus on retirement planning is centered on finances. While grappling with the...
I only need the bare minimum amount of car insurance. Many states have minimum car insurance requirements, but the minimum amount of...
Does Self-Esteem Affect Seniors' Health?
High levels of self-esteem might mean better health for seniors, according to a new study. It included 147 people aged 60 and older who...